Francine Wants a Poop-Free Salad | Episode 96

In this episode of Don’t Eat Poop!, our hosts Matt and Francine are wrapping up the year by discussing the produce industry and how the shocking number of produce recalls in 2024 clearly shows that what they’re doing is far from working.
They talk about this year’s outbreaks and explore new food-safe technologies that can address the problem, such as Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and electric shocks, which can kill foodborne pathogens.
They also share some insights into the podcast and some of the amazing results from one more year of Don’t Eat Poop!

In this episode:
💩 [01:08] The upcoming 100th episode
💩 [02:09] Wearing poop-free disposable gloves and setting an example
💩 [05:09] Francine’s poopy salad dilemma
💩 [09:21] 2024’s worst outbreak
💩 [09:55] We never know the real numbers of an outbreak
💩 [12:09] Vendors must also be held accountable for outbreaks
💩 [13:41] The importance of food safety compliance software
💩 [15:49] The current lettuce E. coli outbreak
💩 [16:46] What the produce industry is doing wrong
💩 [17:34] 2 new food-safe technologies that fully kill pathogens
💩 [19:33] Francine, the youngest old person out there
💩 [21:42] Salad ingredients that have been recalled in 2024
💩 [25:18] Coming up with content for Don’t Eat Poop!
💩 [26:21] Concerns from when Matt and Francine started the podcast
💩 [30:02] Some amazing results from one more year of Don’t Eat Poop!
💩 [31:35] The poop-free salad might have to wait

Disclaimer: Episode title and content do not constitute legal or health advice.

Resources from this episode

Learn more about poop-free gloves by catching up with our episode with Steve Ardagh: Episode 57 | The Glove Food Safety Gap: Raising Disposable Glove Standards with Steve Ardagh, CEO and Founder of Eagle Protect.
Check out Francine’s LinkedIn post about her poopy salad dilemma.
Catch up with the episode we recorded earlier this year about when and where the next major food safety outbreak would be: Episode 60 | Food Safety Culture and The Next Big Food Safety Crisis.
Learn about Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) in this LinkedIn post by Francine.

Noteworthy quotes from this episode

“ There's a lot of people in the industry that make a lot of money because they actually don't care.” – Matthew Regusci
“ There's nobody better to help the industry than the people that do what we do because we understand both sides of it. There are just a lot of issues right now.” – Francine L Shaw

We hope you enjoy this episode!

Remember to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Together, we can raise awareness and make a positive impact in the world of food safety!
We'd love to hear from you!

Connect with Francine, Matt, and the "Don't Eat Poop!" show on LinkedIn! 

Share your thoughts and feedback on the show and feel free to offer any topics you would like to hear discussed.

Check out Francine's book Who Watches the Kitchen? on Amazon
Produced by Ideablossoms


Did you know you can find fecal coliform on over 50% of gloves? It’s astounding to learn that many of the gloves coming into our country are contaminated. But Eagle Protect is changing that. 

They test every single lot of their Eagle Delta Zero™ gloves for microbial contamination.

This is a company truly committed to food safety. So please check them out at and get your gloves tested. Let’s not forget… Don’t eat poop!
Francine Wants a Poop-Free Salad | Episode 96
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