The Calgary Daycare Outbreak: Revisited | Episode 33

It may not be a fun topic, but the food safety world is not done hearing about the massive daycare e. Coli outbreak in Calgary, Alberta.

Matt and Francine discuss what has unfolded since the last episode was recorded, musing on what will happen next, how the company should have handled things legally and from a PR perspective and how Canadian law might lead to different outcomes than a similar outbreak in the United States.

Also discussed: Francine's book (details below) and Food In Places It Shouldn't Be.
  • (00:35) - Francine's book
  • (10:09) - Calgary daycare e. Coli outbreak revisited
  • (43:11) - Food in places it shouldn't be

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Produced by Joe Diaco Podcasting Support

The Calgary Daycare Outbreak: Revisited | Episode 33
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